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California Meetup
May 25, 2017 - May 28, 2017
“It’s finally time, gentlemen. The great and glorious God-fearing land of Jefferson shall soon be invaded by a horde of autists which shall claim, for four whole days, their own GHOST TOWN.
Here’s the info.”—Reimer
Date: May 25th-28th
On the 25TH we rally up at the Lodi Denny’s at (701 E Kettleman Ln) at 10AM. We’ll arrive at the Oroville Burger King (855 Oro Dam Blvd) around NOON. From there to Taylorsville Tavern (4442 Main St, Taylorsville) and we’ll try to arrive around 2PM.
IF YOU ARE SOCAL/CENTERCAL rally up at the Coalinga/Avenal Northbound Rest Area, Huron, CA at 7AM.
If you are going on the 26TH we rally up at the Lodi Denny’s at (701 E Kettleman Ln) at 10AM. We’ll arrive at the Oroville Burger King (855 Oro Dam Blvd)around NOON. From there to Taylorsville Tavern (4442 Main St, Taylorsville) and we’ll try to arrive around 2PM.
>But they’re exactly the same for both days!
That’s the idea, except if you go on the 26th there will be no preliminary stop in Huron for anons coming from SoCal/CenterCal on I-5. Follow the rest of the stops as normal.
The idea is that wherever in this horrible communist state you reside, you can jump in with the /k/onvoy at the closest stop to you. If you have a radio, keep it tuned to FRS Channel 4 for lulz and occasionally essential information.
We had a guy go up last week, and from what information was gathered there seems to be a wall of snow blocking vehicular access about 1 mile from the ghost town, so once our 25TH group departs from Taylorsville on the final leg, we’re gonna start looking along the route for alternate spots as close as possible for us to park and set up camp. We will organize trips to the ghost town daily, and backpacking-equipped people inclined to stay there are welcome to.
Remember to bring cold weather gear and enough food to not starve.