Category: History


The Swedish M/1896 Mauser

About a year ago, a local shop was going under and liquidated their entire inventory. They had 3 Mausers on the wall: A Zastava M48, a Zastava M24/47, and a Carl Gustaf Stads M/1896;...


Plinking Quietly With Mr. Bond

Walther began sales of the PP in 1929. The Polizeipistole (Police Pistol) was followed in 1930 by the PPK, Polizeipistole Kurz or Police Pistol Short. The Kurz featured a shorter length and shorter height....


A Look at the Steyr M95 Mannlicher

Brief Introduction: The Steyr M95 or the Mannlicher M1895 is one of the least known (in opinion) military surplus rifles available on the US market compared to, say Mosins, Mausers, and garands. Approximately 3,500,000...