Japanese Man Arrested For Buying “Handgun”

In Kanagawa, Japan, a 30-year-old Japanese man named Yutsubo Ito was arrested by authorities on June 12th, 2021. According to local police, Ito had allegedly ordered handgun parts from an American retailer in May, a genuine SIG P320 grip module with the intention to mount it on his airsoft SIG M17 handgun. According to police, this action is a violation of the Firearm and Sword Possession Control Law.
Mr. Ito claimed that he wanted to attach real parts to model guns and that it is normal to purchase these from online stores. He didn’t think it was an act of smuggling.
In the United States, the grip module of the Sig P320 handgun is not considered to be a firearm. As such, it can be purchased without additional restrictions. With the Sig P320 the internal receiver module is considered to be the firearm according to United States law. It is unclear however, according to Japanese law, if this grip is considered a firearm. The internal dimensions of the Sig P320 grip are different than the dimensions of common airsoft handguns such as the VFC M17 gas blowback airsoft gun. Similarly, the external safety of the M17 will not allow regular P320 grips to fit.
Pictures & translations of the newscast:

Pistol parts ordered online, suspected to be imported from America.
本物 – real, genuine モテルガン– model gun

Package label showed that it contained a pistol attachment.
Tip was sent → Police Investigation

“I wanted to attach real parts to model guns.”

“I thought it was normal online shopping, not smuggling.”
Original Sources:
Poor guy, arreasted over a piece of plastic shaped like a gun.