FGC-9 MkII File Package Release

April 16th marks the release of the FGC-9 (Fuck Gun Control, 9mm) MkII, which brings several improvements to the groundbreaking 3D-printed firearm that was loosed on the internet by Deterrence Dispensed (DetDisp) in March of 2020. While the FGC-9 MkI was originally developed by DetDisp member Jstark1809, the MkII was a team effort, designed by Jstark1809 in conjunction with DetDisp members Ivanthetroll and 3socksandcrocs. Like the MkI, the FGC-9 MkII is made entirely out of unregulated commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components using EU law as a compliance benchmark.
Anyone living in almost any non-permissive space can complete an FGC-9 build, including people without gunsmithing experience, or those who’ve never touched a gun. Using metric hardware to help with worldwide parts availability, and with a comprehensive manual and troubleshooting guide containing hundreds of IKEA-esque picture references, it’s never been simpler to make a reliable semi-automatic firearm from scratch at home. So what changes does the FGC-9 MkII make to the firearm that’s taken the internet by storm?
Major Changes

- Full-length picatinny top rail for sights, optics, and other accessories.
- Newly designed enclosed ejector for improved reliability.
- Handguard with M-LOK slots for mounting accessories.
- H&K-style charging handle and bolt hold-open for the crisp slap action we all crave.
- H&K-style sling mount.
- Improved stock design.
- Optional weldless bolt construction.
Additional Changes

- Incorporation of ECM Rifled Barrelmaking Tutorial v2 (By Ivanthetroll based on research by Jeff Rodriguez) in file package, allowing for simple and inexpensive manufacture of accurate rifled barrels. The improved rifling mandrel has provisions for progressive/gain-twist rifling, a feature rarely seen in commercial barrels due to manufacturing costs and difficulty.

- Incorporation of ButWhatAbout Ammo 1.0 (By Ivanthetroll) in file package, detailing how to manufacture 9mm ammunition in areas where ammunition is hard to obtain or heavily regulated using nailgun cartridges and decorative bullets.

- Incorporation of CSGCG (Common Sense Gun Control Group) (By Ivanthetroll) 3D-printable AR-15 trigger group in file package, which further removes the FGC-9 from COTS gun parts supply chains. Allows those in places where even airsoft trigger group parts are regulated (like Australia) to make their own.

- Incorporation of the Menendez Magazine 2.0 (By Ivanthetroll) in file package, a 3D printable Glock-compatible magazine in different lengths and capacities. An improvement over the previous Menendez Mag offering improved fitment and reliability, easier printing, and longer lifespan.
Download and print your own at The Gatalog!
EDITS: Provided proper accreditation to FGC-9 MkII codevelopers Ivanthetroll and 3socksandcrocs, and accreditation for additional files incorporated into FGC-9 MkII file package – CW
Nice gun bro
Beautiful gun. As an Australian, I haven’t a chance in hell of EVER owning a legal rifle or pistol and it shits me as my old man and 2 of 4 sons are in the Aust Army and we all love shooting. I was convicted of beating the shit out of a guy who attacked my girlfriend in 1987 as thus I’m considered Not Fit to hold a firearm permit etc etcIve had guns in the past, 30-30 Winchester and a rew semi auto and an illegal SKS over the years. Never in my own name though So thanks for the info cause yr right We can’t even get a freaking AIRSOFT in the Land of OZ, but this has me INTERESTED. Besides my surname is WINCHESTER after all.
What sort of printer should I buy Actually can u tell me exactly what computer that example was printed on.
Creality Ender 3 should be able to do it based off of videos I’ve seen.
I think the ammo will be the hard part for your situation
Brother I’m in Australia what’s the best printer and printing materials to buy to limit potential catastrophic failure of components PLEASE PLEASE spill the secrets bro. We can even get air soft over here but in two states u can get GELBLASTERS We can’t even own a paint ball gun in The Land of OZ. So Ram Set shells require photo I’d and proof of use of such tools in industrial applications ONLY WITH PROOF FOR F#CK SAKE. MOST RESTRICTIVE GUNS LAWS ON EARTH Let’s us know please mate.