OKAY Industries SureFeed AR-15 Magazine

POMF! “What are we gonna do on the bed?”
People sometimes consider me a bit old school when it comes to my selection of gear. I sport a more modern day MOLLE LEB jungle style rig over my armor carrier. My favorite AR-15 to shoot is my A3 clone. I still keep an M9 bayonet and I use metal magazines. Yes, in the age of polymer “wonder-laser-print-your-favorite-sheepdoge-quote-on-the-side-magazine”, I stick to good old metal.
Over the years I have run just about all the popular metal mags out there: Bravo Company Manufacturing, Blackhawk, C-products, Israeli Metal Magic E-lander’s. The best one I have found personally is the OKAY Industries Surefeed AR-15 Magazine. I first ran across these magazines several years ago in a farm supply store that doubled as an FFL dealer, they were on sale for $8.99 USD. I grabbed half a dozen, along with plumbing repair parts and duct tape. I will maintain that it was one of the best magazine purchases I made that year (I’ll tell a horrible Hexmag story at a later date). I have personally used the magazines purchased there for well over a year, with some constantly loaded for months at a time.
Important things about the Magazine

Surefeed Mags in standard USMC double mag pouch, Patch by Senpai Fi
OKAY Industries has been manufacturing magazines as far back as WWII for the M1 Carbine; in 1973 OKAY Industries helped co-develop the original 30 round M16 magazine for the U.S Army.
The magazines are made to USGI specification, and come with a four way anti-tilt follower and stainless steel spring. Each magazine I weighed measured roughly seven ounces.
They are also available in various ammo capacities of ten, twenty, and thirty rounds. The magazines also come in a few different color finishes such as matted gray, black and desert tan.
You may notice when you buy one of OKAY Industries’ magazines the finish could come a bit scuffed up — don’t worry you didn’t get a used magazine.
OKAY Industries claims that they test and verify every magazine before it leaves the factory by electronic gauging.
Fit and Function
The mags fit perfectly in each AR-15 receiver I’ve tested them in, however I am limited to my personal rifles, so keep in mind your results may vary.
The magazines fed and functioned in Smith & Wesson, Spikes Tactical, and Anderson Manufacturing lowers along with their respective upper receivers.
Standard .223 Remington and 5.56 NATO had no problems chambering and feeding correctly into the various firearms.
The one problem I did encounter was with the .300 AAC Blackout, namely the Remington 120gr OTFB which had a tendency of nosing down against the feed lip.
This may be an ammo specific issue as I had no trouble with FMJ .300 AAC Blackout rounds.
If you’re looking for a reliable alternative to poly mags, consider getting a few of OKAY Surefeed AR-15 Magazines; you’ll get a bit of that old-school look to compliment your latest modern sporting rifle.
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